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When are you going to DIE?AI Death Calculator called “doom calculator”

When are you going to DIE?AI Death Calculator called “doom calculator”

Dec 24, 2023


Would you like to know the exact date of your demise? Science may be on the verge of providing you with that choice, as may the AI Death Calculator, also called the doom calculator.

The most recent development? In over 75% of the cases, an artificial intelligence algorithm—dubbed AI Death Calculator the doom calculator by the Daily Mail in the U.K.—predicted whether or not people would pass away within four years.


What is doom calculator
What is the doom calculator?


The project’s specifics, carried out by Danish and American experts, were released this week in the online journal Nature Computational Science. They developed an AI machine-learning transformer model that is similar to ChatGPT but does not allow users to communicate with it in the same way.

However, the doom calculator life2vec model processed information on nearly 6 million Danish citizens, including age, health, education, employment, income, and other life events, from the government of that nation, which worked with researchers on the project.

In phrases like “In September 2012, Francisco received 20,000 Danish kroner as a guard at a castle in Elsinore,” the model was trained to incorporate personal information. Or, as the researchers put it in the research paper, “Hermione followed five elective classes during her third year at secondary boarding school.”

Life2vec developed to the point where it could create “individual human life trajectories,” according to their writing


AI predicts death


As per the university news site Northern Global News, the paper’s author, Sune Lehmann, a professor of networks and complexity science at the Technical University of Denmark, stated that “the whole story of a human life, in a way, can also be thought of as a giant long sentence of the many things that can happen to a person.” Lehmann has previously worked at Northeastern as a postdoctoral researcher. Tina Eliassi-Rad, a colleague, teaches computer science at the University of Boston. Different AI death calculator apps perform their task like an AI death calculator.


Correctly Estimating Death: 78% of the Time

According to the research, at some point, the AI construct was able to accurately forecast those who had passed away by 2020, almost 78% of the time.

The study participants were not informed of their estimated dates of death.

Lehmann told the New York Post, “That would be very irresponsible.”


AI Death Calculator
AI Death Calculator


According to The Science Times, a few characteristics linked to past deaths included being male, having a mental health condition, or working in a specialized field. Longer lifespans were linked to higher incomes and leadership roles at work.

Lehmann told the Post that the algorithm could forecast personalities and decisions to travel abroad. He declared, “This model can predict almost anything.”

When will the doom calculator accept my data?

Not in the near future. The privacy of the persons whose information was used is being protected; thus, neither the software nor its data are being made public.

“We are actively exploring methods to make some of the findings more widely available, but this necessitates conducting additional research in a manner that can ensure the confidentiality of the study participants,” Lehmann stated to the Daily Mail.

According to Eliassi-Rad, who spoke with Northeastern Global News, its capacity for prediction may not extend beyond Denmark. She remarked, “This type of tool is like an observatory of society—and not all societies.” “It’s another matter entirely whether this is feasible in America.


AI Death Calculator
when will you die?


However, according to Eliassi-Rad, life2vec and other similar techniques like AI Death Calculator should be used to monitor societal trends rather than forecast individual results.

“The tool shouldn’t be used for predictions on real people, even though we’re using it to assess how good these models are,” she stated on the university news website. Sincere individuals “have hearts and minds.”

According to Lehmann, who spoke with the university news site, he thinks the study will provide insight into how AI is developing and what may be anticipated.

“I don’t know the answers, but it’s time we had the discussion because we already know that precise predictions about human lives are coming true,” he remarked. “And right now, there is no conversation, and it’s happening behind closed doors.”


You have to make a difficult choice: Would you like to know what and when you might pass away?

AI’s role in death prediction is “the start of a very complicated road,” according to Art Caplan, a professor at New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City and the founding head of the division of bioethics. Predictive forecasting is the foundation of the insurance industry, and other scientists are attempting to use blood and other physiological and medical qualities in this regard.

“What’s unique here is that it’s using social employment and public record information, in combination with health information, to make predictions, never having met anybody in the study,” he stated.

According to Caplan, the ability for customers to obtain information about their own forecasts is “inevitable.”. “There are going to be a lot of fights around—let’s call it ‘death prediction’—and battles over third-party access to it,” he stated.

There’s a larger problem than that: “These algorithms are starting to take away things we normally don’t know,” Caplan stated. “It has an upside and could prevent deaths, but it’s got a real existential threat of taking all the unknowns out of life, which is not necessarily a good thing.”

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